Dallas School District - an Energy Efficient School is Practicing what They Teach.
We all want to preserve the environment so that our children and their children and even their grandchildren will have an environment that will allow them to live and thrive. With so much waste, both physical and energy, we all have to do what we can to help the future remain bright for next generations.
Well, Dallas School District is doing just that. Back in August, we told you of the new intermediate school. What we did not mention is the the energy-saving technology that went into this building.
UGI has presented an Energy Efficiency and Conservation (EE&C) rebate check last month to the Dallas School District for new high efficiency commercial boilers, water heaters and LED fixtures. The new equipment is providing energy cost savings and environmental benefits by reducing the school’s annual electric usage by more than 193,500 kilowatts and its natural gas use by 1,142 million BTUs advised UGI,

Design Management Group is proud to have a part in this working with Alloy5 Architects and the Dallas School District. This is how you teach by example!