Deck the Halls, Don't Burn 'em Down!
Why hose the Christmas tree down when you can be searching the value of the your gifts on Amazon this holiday season? OK, I don't do th

An Introduction to Arc Flash
Heightened awareness of electrical arc flash hazards has created a demand for safer workplaces. This article presents a brief...

Taking the fear out of Halloween for Facility Managers
Various shades of bright red and orange leaves invade our world as the air grows cooler by the day. The arrival of autumn means Halloween...

How Redundant is Your Data Center...Part 2
In our last post we discussed different Tiers of data center redundancy as defined by the Uptime Institute. Building Industry Consulting Ser

How Redundant is Your Data Center...Part 1
At its core, redundancy is about choices. More specifically backup plans. Although it's physically impossible to eliminate risk, we sho

HVAC that Predicts the Future
We do quite a lot of data center work, and one topic that comes up now again is using instantaneous IT power usage to control cooling capaci

Water Closet: A Fancy Name for a Toilet...
We see and use water closets everyday of our lives, whether at home, at work or out and about. In fact, according to www.reference.com the a

HVAC Jargon All Architects Need To Know!
As an engineer, one of the hardest things I've ever tackled is understanding how to communicate technical ideas and details in a non-tec

Cloud Computing for Normal People
We've all heard of "the cloud", but do we really know
what it is or how to use it? I know for the longest time I
really didn&#

"I Just Wanted a Coupe, not Italian Leather!"
Sometimes when we make a purchase, we get what we get. A building project is NOT that type of purchase. Here are a few parallels and simple